Our last post focused on how crucial it is to think properly about the providence of God as we learn the art of contentment. Today we continue the theme of God’s providential work in our lives, thinking about the link between His control of all circumstances and His Word.  Our tendency is to attempt to evaluate — and respond to — the “way things are going” primarily from the human perspective, wondering how all of this could possibly fit God’s plan. Instead, our heart should be concentrated on the promises of God, His clear and authoritative Word. The admonition from Proverbs 3 fits here: “Trust in the Lord with all of your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.” Since God’s ways are not our ways, it is foolish to judge by appearances.  Clearly this relates to the previous theme of contentment.  And we become more at rest when we remember that God’s Word never fails. “This God, His way is perfect, the Word of the Lord proves true.” (Psalm 18). While we can never be certain how our Father will accomplish His plans, we can rest assured that His Word is as trustworthy as He is! Octavius Winslow says it this way: “Death may appear to be written on the promise and on all the means leading to its accomplishment, but there is a life in the promise that cannot die.” “It is a believer’s mercy to know that he has to do with a divine promiser whose faithfulness has been proved and with a promise whose power has been tested.”